viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Axl Roses talks about his tattoos!!

Interviewer:Hi and welcome to a new transmission of “TGI Fridays”. Today we will have a catching programme, we are going to interview one of the greatest musicians the world has given us.  So, let’s go ahead with the interview.
Hi Axl, how are you doing? It is a pleasure for us having you here today . Thanks for coming and not being late, as you used to do. (laughs)
The core of this interview is going to be about your tattoos. My first question:several times you have chosen, to cover your body with tattoos. Which is the main reason for you to do that? What do you think are the meanings of tattoos in society?

Axl Rose: Oh, interesting question... However before answering this question I would like to thank you for inviting me. It has been a very long time since I’ve been interviewed, so this is like my return to the major leagues. As for the question of tattoos, I think that my tattoos are much more than drawings, as “those drawings” mean a lot for me and represent every important stage in my life. Tattooers generally recommend their customers tattooing things that have a symbolic meaning for them, which have to do with their life, feelings etc... because tattoos are marks, that will remain forever in your body.

Interviewer:  The first tattoo you got was the one with the inscription “Rocker”. Could you please tell us the origin and meaning of the drawings and the colours you’ve chosen?

Axl Rose: Oh yes! Rocker... beautiful tattoo! Let me just  go back a few years to remember the origin of this prettiness. I got it! It was a present from Chris Weber, I think it was the best gift he had ever given me, hahaha. The tattoo represents a face where the wings are the hair and the dies stand for the eyes. The only truth about the colours is, that these remind me of my childhood. Regarding the inscription “Rocker”, that was the name of a song, which belongs to “Hollywood Rose”, the band I used to be part of.

Interviewer: Sometimes some people just dig too deep to find an answer, which is just on the surface. Your next tattoo was the famous black rose, with the emblem “W. Axl Rose”. Would you mind explaining us the significance of the symbol. I’m just interested in the emblem, it is kind of unusual to tattoo your own name...

Axl Rose: I’m rare, everybody knows, I’m an endangered species hahaha... That tattoo means a lot to me, it symbolizes me the end of Bill Bailey and the birth of W. Axl Rose.

Interviewer: Last but not at least, you must represent “Gun’s and Roses”. Please let me know if I’m wrong, the “Appetite Cross” embodies, in my opinion, the most successful band you have ever joined.

Axl Rose: Hahaha, it looks like I’ve got a tattoo for every step in my life, nevertheless, you are right. The “Appetite Cross” personifies, for me, the strength the band used to have.

Interviewer: It looks like that, yes, you are right, haha. Well, you have answered all my questions, I may not complain, it is time to let you go. Thank you very much Axl for coming and for clearing all my doubts.

Axl Rose: You're welcome, it was my pleasure.

The star among football styles

Football is a well known sport around the world. There are several  football styles, such as: baby football, conventional football, football in a pitch for seven or nine, but there is an undiscovered diamond, in my opinion, indoor football. The popularity of this sport has increased a lot in the last years, even though, it is not recognized as it deserves.

It is played in a 40 m long - 20 m width pitch, pretty small, considering that there are constantly ten people running. The team is made up of five people, four players plus a goalkeeper. The main aim is to score a goal as in football. The rules are not the same as in football, they variate a bit, for example the throw-in is made with the feet instead of the hands. Summing up, indoor soccer in not very different from conventional football, but it has something, that makes it special.

I do play indoor soccer. I got there, as a friend of mine started coaching a team in Temperley. He asked me to go and join the team, and here I am... I think I’ve found out my real passion. I you ask me, why do I like so much this sport, I am not sure I will answer you with facts. I think the main reason why I do like this sport so much, is that it has the gift of taking me away of this world, nothing is more important while I am playing, furthermore the intensity and adrenaline this sport entails is unique there is no other sport that demands fifty minutes of total concentration of the players. If you relax, you lose.

The professionalisation of this sport could possibly mean the completely degeneration of it. Money will pollute the incredible atmosphere and the aim won’t be to score a goal, but to earn as much money as possible.

Luckily in the recent time, the popularity of this sport has increased in a unbelievable way. Although it is not as famous as football, every single day more and more kids and teenagers get involved in this activity.

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Nazism, an incurable wound for Germany?

As we all know, Germany was in the 30's and 40' the home for a new system and way of life, that had as consequence the biggest and most painful genocide in the history of humanity. The world would never forget the "Holocaust". Even today, seventy years later, Germans take on the nice legacy their ancestors have left for them.Does the German nation feel ashamed for their past?

In January  I have been in Germany. I have met wonderful places and people. The utopian and perfect "first world", about we have always heard is Germany. No pollution, no mistakes, public transport works in a perfect way, there is almost no poverty. I can talk about German perfection for hours, but unfortunately this is not the topic of the article. The new and modern Germany still suffers from the mistake their ancestors have made and let them. They feel ashamed about their past. They assure they have nothing to do with that ideology. When they travel round the world, as they say they are from Germany, people immediately accuse them of being Nazis. Even teachers, workers of a German school in Argentina are asked many times by other pupils in other schools they work, if we, students of a German institution, are influenced by this ideology.

As I said, this world can not accept and forgive (not forget) Germany about their past. German people are seen around the world as completely Nazis. But I have a question for those who say that a German is a synonym for Nazi: Stalin have killed even more people than Hitler, why aren't Russian people seen as genocides?; United States is responsible for many of the disasters we have to survive with every day, why aren't they seen as "world destructor"? I am not defending Germany, but as I say, we should forgive and do not blame them for their past, forgive them, I'm not talking about forgetting.

I think Germany has came back to life with a lot of effort and work and what they have built in half century is much more what some countries have built in two centuries. But regrettably, much from that effort, work and success, that by the way they deserve, is darken by their unforgettable past.